Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Be-Gratitudes by KC Willis

KC Willis posted this last Monday on her blog so some of you may have already seen it.  But if not, take a look!  http://kcwillis.blogspot.com/2010/09/be-gratitudes.html  She is a gifted, uplifting writer and artist!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Karen...I so wish my mom would have written more. She was also a lovely speaker but nerve deafness sadly robbed her of her confidence and so it went by the wayside I'm afraid. Still...she is a beacon of light and her faith in the Most High has carried her through many a difficult day.

I'm glad you loved her poem. I'm off to check out your link!



Barbara Jean said...

will go check this out later. back/computer time up for now.

smiles friend. =)